Medication Aide
Admission Requirements
-Be able to understand English
-Be at least 18 years of age
-Be free of communicable diseases and in suitable physical and emotional health to safely administer medications.
-Be a graduate of a high school or have a general equivalency diploma (Marque Diploma not accepted)
-Be currently employed in a long-term care facility (Nursing home, group home or assisted living ONLY.
Home health agencies, hospitals, detention centers, prisons, and private duty will NOT be accepted) for at least 90 days as a nurse aide or non-licensed direct care staff person on the first official day of an applicant’s medication aide training program or have been employed in a facility as a certified nurse aide on the first official day of an applicant’s medication aide training program.

Medication Aide Enrollment Application
Before enrolling, please be aware that you must be currently working at a long-term care facility and have a high school diploma or its equivalent (it is Texas law).
Thank you for your interest in enrolling in the Medication Aide program at ACE Training Institute. To register, please follow these steps:
1. Fill out the entire application (including the page titled FOR SCHOOL USE ONLY. You may check off I WILL NOT RECEIVE CREDIT at the bottom, sign, and date since you will receive all hours from ACE only).
2. Gather personal documents, including identification, social security card, and US high school diploma or its equivalent (GED, evaluation, or transcript).
3. Send payment of $324.75. We will send you a payment link once application has been completed.
Please note that applications will only be processed if they are completed and an initial payment of $324.75 minimum has been made.